I love when families come to sessions ready to play! I will help encourage play by giving some ideas. In the photography world, these are called photo session prompts. This family was so playful and didn’t hesitate at all with following my prompts. Here are 3 of my favorite prompts that I used during this session:
Red light-green light:
I have families hold hands and walk together. To add a little more fun to this, I will play red light-green light with them while they are walking. Sometimes I will throw in a crazy color and have a family dance together :).
Run around mom and dad:
This is a great way to get some of the kids’ energy out and give mom and dad a moment to connect during the session. I also always think the images of mom and dad with kids running in circles around them is a great depiction of how the chaos of life sometimes feels with little kids.
Simon Says:
This is a great way for me to give kids directions without them feeling like I am giving them directions lol. I will give them silly simon says directions like “rub your belly,” but also throw in there “hug your sibling.”
These are just a few of the photo session prompts that I like to use. My goal is always to capture images that are genuine, joyful, and connected; prompting helps me achieve this. Prompting helps families interact and be themselves together.
You can see more family photo sessions here