Everyone’s experience with infertility is different. I had my share of insensitive and ignorant comments that left me finding a private place to cry. What really sticks with me, though, are the few close friends that helped me through it. Even when I was sure they were sick of talking about it, they would ask how things were going. I could see they were hesitant to ask, not wanting to upset me; but I am forever grateful that they walked through that lonely journey with me.

For me, one of the most difficult parts of having infertility with my first daughter was having such a strong desire to be a mom, but having an intense fear that it wouldn’t happen. I hope that this post can give those experiencing infertility hope that their miracle baby will come some day. Your journey to becoming a mom may be unique, but once you have that little baby in your arms, you are a mom just like anyone else who got there in a different way. If anyone would like to share their infertility story for Infertility Awareness Week, feel free to comment on this post or message me if you would like me to post it anonymously.

See more blog post about my family here.