Janel Funk Nutrition and Wellness | New and Expectant Mom Resource Series

Client Resources

Newborn sessions are such a fun way to connect with new parents. We often talk about how the first few weeks/months are going. Parenting, especially for first-time parents, can be overwhelming, and the right kind of support can make such a difference! I love being able to share helpful resources with parents that I’ve found through other clients or branding sessions. I’ve come across so many through all of you!

I know how helpful it can be to get a recommendation for resources related to sleep, feeding, or really anything to make the early years a bit easier as you adjust to your first child, second, or third…. Each child is so different, and you find different things work, so I’m starting a series highlighting local providers and services focused on helping newborns and parents.

Today I am introducing Janel Funk Nutrition and wellness. Janel is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, and mom to three young children. She works with a variety of clients, including those who wanting to feed your family in a manageable way while addressing picky eating, meal planning, infant feeding support (including lactation support), and raising lifelong healthy eaters.

Her mission is to help you feel your best through a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness.

Read on for our interview to learn more about Janel and her services, as well as one of her favorite resources for parents.

Janel Funk Nutrition and Wellness

What services does Janel Funk Nutrition and Wellness offer to new moms and expectant moms?

I have an insurance based private practice where I provide 1:1 counseling to clients. I love working with new and expectant moms on nutrition for fertility, optimal pregnancy nutrition, and once the baby is born, on postpartum nutrition and breastfeeding support. I’m a certified lactation specialist as well as a dietitian, and Love helping moms understand how to fuel themselves while also feeding their babies, I also support parents in clearing up the confusion around breastmilk supply, baby’s latch, foods to avoid while nursing, introducing allergens, and more. Once babies begin solids, I support parents with starting solids all the way through the picky eating stages and feeding families healthfully!

Why are your services important/helpful for new and expectant moms?

There isn’t enough support for moms during this often confusing, exhausting, and sometimes fear-based time. The pregnancy and newborn stage are very vulnerable times for new parents, and I want to help them feel their best in terms of nutrition support, and their confidence in feeding their baby. My services are typically covered by insurance (depending on the client’s insurance and plan) so that helps break down some barriers that might prevent people from seeing a dietitian if cost is a concern. And with telehealth, parents don’t have to worry about getting out of the house with a new baby to see me if they’re not ready to!

What’s the best piece of advice you got as a new or expectant mom or advice that you would give to a new or expectant mom?

Once when I was lamenting to my grandma days after having a newborn about his horrible sleep or feeding patterns or probably both, she said, “Well what do you expect? He just got here!!” It reminded me that it’s all brand new, and there’s a huge learning curve when becoming a new mom, but you and your baby are going to learn and grow together. I wish I thought to take a breastfeeding class before having my first baby. I didn’t become a lactation consultant until after my three babies were born! I assumed I couldn’t learn anything without having my baby with me to nurse, but in hindsight, It would have better prepared me for nursing and pumping and what to expect in those early days when you’re too exhausted to retain any information. Now I’m glad I can provide that support to moms before and after baby comes!

Are there any resources your would recommend?

n addition to my private practice, I consult for a baby and toddler food company called Happy Family Organics. We provide free online chat support to new and expecting parents ranging from starting solids to getting a good latch, introducing allergens and how to bottle feed. It’s an amazing resource and we’re helping parents all over the world!

Janel Funk Dietician and Wellness branding photo session with Sara Sniderman Photography in Natick Massachusetts

Janel Funk Dietician and Wellness branding photo session with Sara Sniderman Photography in Natick Massachusetts Janel Funk Dietician and Wellness branding photo session with Sara Sniderman Photography in Natick Massachusetts Janel Funk Dietician and Wellness branding photo session with Sara Sniderman Photography in Natick Massachusetts Janel Funk Dietician and Wellness branding photo session with Sara Sniderman Photography in Natick Massachusetts

Read more New and Expectant Mom resources!

Interested in booking a photo session with Sara?  Contact Sara!


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