Surviving a Pandemic Winter in MetroWest Boston

Family Photo Sessions

Winter is always my least favorite season, so I was extra worried about how it would go this year.  To be honest it hasn’t been easy, but there are a few things we have done to get through it.  I would love to hear what activities you have done to keep the winter stir crazies at bay.

Family smiles together during winter photo session at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA

Messy Play

My girls have been really into watching kids science videos and trying science experiments.  We have gone through so much vinegar and baking soda, but it’s so fun.  We have also been doing lots of sensory play.  It makes a mess, but keeps them happy for a little while so I’ll take the mess 🙂

siblings hold hands and jump in snow for family photographer at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA
Black and white photo of father hugging children in front of Wayside Inn Grist Mill pond, Sudbury MA


My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago, but up until then we had weekly baking with her.  This was such a fun way to connect with her and was a highlight of our week.  She used to be a music therapist, so once the food was in the oven the girls would take out instruments and they would have a sing along.  She lived in California, so FaceTime was such a blessing and allowed my girls to have such a strong relationship with her even though she lived cross the country.  We have also done many FaceTimes with other family and friends.  We have gotten creative with doing art projects together or playing board games like Guess Who and Shoots and Ladders.  Pandemic winter is isolating, but FaceTime has helped keep us connected

Couple laughs together and black and white photo of couple kissing during family photo session at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA
Mom hugs daughter for family photographer at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA

Ice rink

This is hands down the best pandemic investment that we have made.  My 4 year old, who started the winter not liking ice skating, now loves it.  My 8 year old, who has been doing remote school, was able to get some ice time during her lunch break.  The rink has gotten us outside much more than we usually do in winter.  The rink is really the only thing making me a little sad about it warming up outside.

black and white photo of father looking at children and family photo of parents kissing at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA
Mom holds son and son kisses mom's cheek during family photo session at Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA

We still have about another month of winter, so I would love to hear some of your ideas for keeping life interesting this winter.

See more family photo sessions here

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